Area of Utilization for Artificial and Synthetic Turf

Area of Utilization for Artificial and Synthetic Turf

Creating green fields with synthetic turf is easy with today’s technologies. In comparison to natural grass, synthetic turf is a lot more easier to maintain and can be used in many areas. It’s easy to extend your turf’s life cycle with a few tips. First, let’s talk about the differences between artificial and synthetic turf. It may sound like they are two different products, however fundamentally the same. The meaning of the words “artificial” and “synthetic” is the same.

Let’s look at where artificial turf is used. You may think that artificial turf is most commonly used in sports complexes, however they are widely used in many other places. They are often used in interiors. Their area of utility is not limited. It’s easy to apply artificial turf with Congrass as they don’t require earth or water like natural grass. After a convenience test carried out by our professional team, artificial turf can be applied anywhere.

Artificial turf is also used in gardens and balconies. It’s not easy to maintain natural grass considering our busy daily routines. Artificial turf doesn’t need anyone taking care of it; you don’t need to water it or maintain it. It won’t decay. There’s no guarantee that your natural grass will live forever no matter how much time and effort you put into maintaining it. The grass may not like its place, can wear down under sunlight, or go dry when not watered. Artificial grass does not have any requirements to serve its purpose.

Tips and Trick for Maintaining Artificial and Synthetic Grass

The best, recommended surface for artificial turf application is hard concrete. Soft earth surfaces are not suitable for artificial turf. It would be good to water artificial grass four times a weak in the summer, especially in scorching heat. Watering is good because artificial turf is petrol-based and it will become stiff with heat. The best way to deal with the stiffness is water. But don’t think that you need to water this product like you would water natural grass. This is only a precaution during summer to make sure your product will be long-lasting. If your turf gets dusty and dirty outside, just brush it a little and it’ll look like it’s new again. Artificial turf is very easy to maintain and you can use them in a variety of areas in your living spaces.

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